When to choose ACME lead screws?

Publish Time: 2023-01-17     Origin: Site

ACME screw drives are best suited for low-precision applications with low speed and duty cycles.The ACME screw has a 29 degree included angle.

ALM ACME lead screw with brass flanged nut

ACME screw efficiency depends on the nut material(usually made of plastic,polymer,brass,or bronze),the lead of the screw,and the type/amount of lubrication used.They are usually much less efficient than ball or roller screws,ranging from about 20% to 80%.Lower efficiency prevents load or external forces from driving components in reverse,which can be an advantage for some applications and a detriment for others.It is important to note that vibration can allow any ACME or trapezoidal screw to reverse drive.The inherent energy loss means that these types of screws require more torque than other screw types to provide the same thrust.

ALM ACME Lead Screw with anti-backlash nut

ACME screws cost the least and are generally the easiest to obtain.They are suitable for low speed applications or systems with low duty cycle requirements.However,the ACME screw is not suitable for applications requiring a high duty cycle or high travel speed.This is why ACME screws are generally not used for more complex applications,especially those with variable operating conditions.Their product life is often unpredictable compared to the other two screw types,which means screw maintenance and replacement for these types of screws is more dynamic.


ALM ACME lead screw with POM nut

●ACME lead screw advantages

Low cost

Readily available

Reduced back-driving

●ACME lead screw disadvantages

Low efficiencies

Unpredictable service life

Increased torque requirements

Unsuitable for high-speed applications

In fact,no screw drive system is objectively better than any other.Each has its own advantages and disadvantages which must be taken into account.Finding the right screw drive system will depend entirely on the specific situation of your unique application and the motion/action required.

Click to select ALM high quality lead screw for your application:



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